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Arthur S. Eddington, The Nature of the Physical World, Minkowski Institute Press, Montreal 2023, 268 pages.

ISBN: 978-1-998902-07-1 (ebook) - $7
ISBN: 978-1-998902-06-4 (softcover) - $19.70
ISBN: 978-1-998902-08-8 (hardcover) - $28.00

Edited by Vesselin Petkov

Published on 4 March 2023

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This is a new publication of A. S. Eddington's book The Nature of the Physical World (Cambridge 1929).

Two reasons warrant the new publication. First, the physicist who tested experimentally Einstein's general relativity in 1919 and wrote the first comprehensive expositions of the theory of relativity and also the father of modern theoretical astrophysics provides first-hand explanations of relativity and its implications. The second reason is Eddington's beautiful style of writing when he explains the fundamental ideas behind the two greatest revolutions in physics in the twentieth century - the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics - and presents his views on a broad range of important issues such as time, becoming, mind, consciousness, reality and causation.

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Editor's Preface i

Preface iv

Introduction vii

I. The Downfall of Classical Physics 1

II. Relativity 15

III. Time 26

IV. The Running-Down of the Universe 45

V.  Becoming  62

VI. Gravitation: the Law 79

VII. Gravitation: the Explanations 98

VIII. Man's Place in the Universe 115

IX. The Quantum Theory 126

X. The New Quantum Theory 142

XI. World Building 163

XII. Pointer Readings 174

XIII. Reality 192

XIV. Causation 207

XV. Science and Mysticism 223

Conclusion 242