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    Bertrand Russell, On Freedom, Free Thought and Official Propaganda (Minkowski Institute Press, Montreal 2021), 222 pages.

ISBN: 978-1-989970-64-5 (ebook) - $7.00

ISBN: 978-1-989970-63-8 (softcover) - $18.50

Edited by Svetla and Vesselin Petkov

Buy the ebook (PDF with hyperlinks)

Published on 4 December 2021


This collection contains new publications of three works by Bertrand Russell:
  • his lecture "Free Thought and Official Propaganda"
  • the book Proposed Roads to Freedom
  • the book Political Ideals.
This volume is the first of a series of new publications of books by Bertrand Russell - a unique intellectual, mathematician, logician, philosopher and Laureate of the 1950 Nobel Prize for Literature.

The reason for selecting the three works included in the collection is that they present the essence of one of Russell's contributions to our civilization that was recognized by the Nobel Committee for Literature - "in recognition of his varied and significant writings in which he champions humanitarian ideals and freedom of thought"

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